Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指 , 鉑金, large
Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指 , 鉑金, large
Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指 , 鉑金, large
Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指 , 鉑金, large
Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指 , 鉑金, large
Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指 , 鉑金, large
Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指 , 鉑金, large

Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指 

Item No. UU2640
5(滿分 5 分)客戶評分
Vela Solitaire with Diamond Band 鑽石戒指採用簡潔時尚的鑲嵌設計,從不同角度也能欣賞主石的美態,而鑲滿密鑲鑽石的戒圈亦綻放無與倫比的閃爍光芒,優雅醉人。


選擇 金屬

主鑽克拉重量 了解更多


  • 電鍍: High polish
  • 鑲嵌類型: French Cut Pave